How sad no one came to share
let your words linger and just hang.
I kept an eye on them all night
in my dreams there was a bang.
My mind was in a confused state
wishing more would read what you wrote
but my selfishness kicked in greatly
as if to surround you like a moat.
You see, every sensual emotion
was awakened from its heavy sleep
while sharing with you erotic plays
with our poundings so very deep.
Is it wrong to share a mystery
where one's sensuality spreads
letting the built up steam drive us
till we both are spinning in our heads?
Is it wrong to see a sharing
within the corridors of our minds
and write about the dream escapes
making love and bump and grinds.
Have I gone too far when I can see
my tongue tasting your passion's flavor
and I register each precious touch
till even pimples become my neighbor.
Tis sad no one else came to see
what has become as a picture show
when nights become lonely and sad
and erotic senses need a place to go.
Knowing the power you have within
greases the vividness I so easily see
and drives my wants like a refrain
of a song filled with erotic memory.
I can stand up on a mountain side
naked to the whole world of sin
yet when I feel your passion's fever
its power erupts as if there is no end.
I can smell the aroma we make
it stirs senses like a giant spoon
and as you speak of dreams of love
mind begs that nightfall comes soon.
Every fiber of my body gets ready
my mind slips off into passion's abyss
All of me seems to get kind of stiff
and my tongue awaits each first kiss.
Let me say I wish more had read
but my selfishness, like a ripen plum
allows me to get over wrought with you
and before I know it I have already cum.
Del Cano 2008 January