Friday, February 11, 2005

Of Erotica *satiated* by Jade Huntress

J.Jade Huntress
{ warning: footnote here}
of Erotica *satiated*

likening the countenance of the Rocky mountains, swelled
and tip the rime of maritime
in carnivale sweet gratification
tilted my toes, touching the throat of skin
where--- throat never should have been
but blessed me, it mutated there;

and in the hot flashes of my cum
I cooed on ecstasy's wings
bleeding over you
the blood of my passion
taking form, erotic dove
soaring in the ultimate thrusts
cutting, slashing ribbons- 'bout your tempest ribs.
holding fast, the winds of your hands beneath me
keeping me
in habit filled speed, of your rhythm
to the bodily rhyme
shooting me beyond time- in hold nine.

like a desecrated needle
threaded with outlandish needs
sewing wild my red hot fire insides
your fever musk lay out, raider's design
while I ride each stitch of
erection's hungry tide
upon the hems of your thighs.

and needily was I
for the pin's edge- my
folding flesh to brush and etch
upon me all your monsterly desires
yes even, accelerating breastly lust
such was the satiate of satisfaction
and grime go-to-between guess of my legs
grinding gravity to the center
of my pulsating valentine's lobes

when in gear after jarring changing gear
it lust defiled Oh so sweetly
driving deaften deeply into
my screaming core.
taunting, teasing, Ooooooo tormentingly pleasing
my viginial's mouth
course black diamonds lapping my g-spot Inge
flames, flames, Oh merciless flames
and I held , gripped tight
the love muscle right...iron locked,
taking its wilting starving taste
on the weakening boughs of your
famous last stand.
in your new founded well
housed neath the sliver moon, sterling streak chained naked
I did the Seven Veilds of Dance.
now tell me? What's so instant 'bout that Gratification!

*J.Jade Huntress*
J. Jade huntressch2005Feb.
footnote: Inge- is used to refer to mysticism {and a man nicknamed the "gloomy dean"
who wrote works of this manner.} its used for this first aspect


Anonymous said...

Thanking you so much for sharing these words. Might I say, not a damn thing instant bout that gratification. You packaged it for the long hall. Oh, gratious Ms Huntress, might I bow before thee and beg for more.

Thank you, dear lady.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the looky at my piece through you would enjoy a lil light delight
your piece was a treat itself
J. Jove Huntress