Thursday, March 24, 2005

Could Not Forget

Could Not Forget

Awoke with a start
drenched in sweat
body shaking, trembling
could not forget.

Another visit
startling it seemed.
We met again
yet in a dream.

You floated in
at the peek of nite.
A passionate kiss
to set it right.

Started to stroke
then went to your show.
Exposed the thighs
I'm getting to know.

Deep breathing
lusty groaning.
Grappling for you
amist my moaning.

My tongue explored,
succulent the breast.
Knowing soon it
would taste the rest.

Riding high waves
floating on a cloud.
Soaring in ecstasy
beyond what's allowed.

Just as the volcano
was about to erupt.
It all ended, too soon
too damn abrupt.

Awoke with a start
drenched in sweat
body shaking, trembling
how could I forget.

Del Cano 2005 February



Anonymous said...

'Twas no dream
my touch upon you
as you lay fevered
in midnight's moon

Shimmied the satin
past downy hips
and gave up my all
for your moist and luscious lips

Oh!  The passion
you dole out so well
you make breasts tingle
and don't forget swell

Kisses rained deeply
along my terrain
leave dampened trails
and moaning as if in pain

No, never a dream
with you under the moon
always a pleasure
and please, again.....real soon!


Anonymous said...

You never disapoint me Spencer! You are a MAGIC man with words...your mind is a great thing!  You're the best sweetie! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Sensual!!!!!!! You have the knack of saying things in a way one feels one never heard or read before. Your delivery is subtle yet so STRONG!
Bravo :)

Anonymous said...

I loved what you said here spencer its warm echo resounds  the warmth of you and possiblities
of the return to make havent lose your touch in conveying passion


   Shipwrecked in Our Memory

it all seems right in night life
reality's the real bit
common grounds we meet
brought us together -a dream realm
moved along on silken treads
nothing could go wrong
no ugly finger could raise harm

cause if loving was wrong, we'nt wanted be right
was our song- and we played it on and on
cursed alas to dwell there.

but thrawt the methods, motivates
the sun had to rise
day demanded to break
reality's the real bit
it ate away the phamtasm.

the simply remembrance
of us two coocconed, apart from the rest of the world
in a mindless dilirious we both deserved

the memories haunts me, whispering to me
of that home we built for two
in the desert of ourselves on passion island
its our island- our along -none other could come
we turned our backs on civilation
dares them to charge our soltuide

ran into the waves of another shipwrecked rendrvous
without a second thought of the ocean claiming us
while the waters rocked we rolled
never to give up our bones- dry land again
even after the castaways are no more
the memories never leaves my mind.

         JJade Huntress 2005 April

Anonymous said...

I desire to travel to distant land's looking into eyes that has a calming stance.  spencer your thrill to please has me of all people panting from need.  A Woman