Tuesday, June 13, 2006


My hands trace the outline
of each route of your thigh
can feel your fullness there
in the recesses of my eye

then my brain lets loose
alerts which let me know
my passions desires are
flamed rushing to and fro

the desire to touch more
to engulf you in total bliss
within a dream like scene
makes heaven less than this.

Each fevered massage
builds to a crescendo rise
wafting sensualities to soar
past the stars in the skies

Del Cano 2006 Jan


Anonymous said...

Beautiful.  This puts me into a dreamlike bliss filled with passion.

Anonymous said...

Even though this is a little softer... still very powerful, and passionate, but sweet and sensual.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful, Spencer.  Who would not want to be thought of in this way?

Anonymous said...

FYI- hee hee:
To communicate emotionally via e-mail. Just as people might differ about what is polite behavior and what is not, whether an e-mail message is flaming is also in the eye of the beholder. Vulgar cursing would definitely be flaming, however. See netiquette and holy war.